The Breath of Dawn

The Breath of Dawn
He will raise you up

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ben Franklin's Virtue of Frugality

Benjamin Franklin’s Virtue of Frugality

Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself;

 i.e. waste nothing.

Frugality is defined as the quality of being frugal or prudent in saving. Saving in consumables such as food, clothing, gifts, money and time! Yes TIME is a consumable as it ticks away never to be used again.

Being fugal means to be lacking in wastefulness. 

Every man’s waste can be another man’s treasure. We discard food when there are hungry famished children, women and men. We discard clean water when there are people drinking dirty parasite infested water. We throw away clothes that don’t fit when there are naked and cold people wishing only for comfort and not brand labels. We toss away gifts such as books, cds, dvds, trinkets as sentimentless items that we can no longer use, when there are people who would love to escape to another world through reading, use a cd as a reflective decoration or a trinket as inspiration for an unrealized dream. 

With such commodities I encourage you to regift, recycle, reuse, and reduce your waste. Nothing is trash. 

But TIME, time can only be wasted or used by you. People can steal and rob you of your time. We all have a pile of books to read, archives on our Nook or Kindle, a list of movies or tv shows to watch on Netflix, a full inbox of email and voicemail awaiting replies.  Where somewhere there is a man with no concept of email, voicemail, Netflix or ereaders. His time is spent dreaming and surviving. 

Our To do list grows and when we try to do everything, we end up doing nothing.

Time is money. Cutting out many items on your to do list will enrich you beyond expectation so you can really do what matters. Last time I checked having watched every season of Breaking Bad did not get you a certificate, medal or job (unless perhaps the President of the Fan Club provides your meals)

How can we live a virtue of frugality? Prioritize. Cut off the meaningless. The meaningless will get you nowhere. The meaningless have no return.  Recyle, Reuse and Reduce in everything.

Live for your Priorities. 

When deciding your priorities remember a few rules of life;

1.       Thoughts become things.

2.       You get what you give.

3.       Love is the answer. 

If you wish for me to expand on these rules, leave a comment and we’ll chat!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ben Franklin's Virtue - Resolution


Now was this not predestined to be my topic of today?! Here is one girl that has not stuck to resolve to write this blog.  

Benjamin Franklin’s Virtue of Resolution had two agreements:
1.       Resolve to perform what you ought.
2.       Perform without fail what you resolve.

These virtues relate to our attitudes toward activities and the challenges or opportunities they present. Good character builds from virtue. 

In my particular case I could cite a bunch of issues as to not writing this blog; building my own business, hunting new territory, being CEO to my household, and helping my friends reach some pivotal goals. BUT, I am a no excuses kinda gal. Excuses give us reasons to continue with poor behaviour, versus RESOLVE to perform! 

Resolve is defined as to decide firmly on a course of action. 

Decision making can be easy; sticking to the action, affording your discipline to perform what you have decided is another beast. A beast it is because I have seen some keen sharp people discipline themselves so tightly it must ensure success. Take for example the athlete, persistent with physical, mental and social work outs. Each day a repetitive cycle, they grind over and over to achieve another personal best. That takes a beast. Another form of beast; the advocate, a warrior for justice, rights or moral servitude awakens each day to resolve their performance again. Their battle whether in the court room, on the field, or in the streets. 

 So for those of us lacking resolve, getting off track, slipping ... how can we create resolution in us?

I think the best method to initiate resolution in life is to live with intent. Intentional living sets before you the actions, attitude, and performance desired and needed for the next day. Intentional living involves the practice of resolve and discipline to perform each day, as one must to succeed at the stated intent.

Starting each day with intent, sets your day up for success.