The word VIRTUE comes from the Latin virtus, which in turn is derived from vir, Latin for “manliness.”
I have read through his virtues and wish to explore each of them, their meaning and how it could affect not only my life, but yours as well, including the sorts of people we chose to surround ourselves with.
The first virtue is TEMPERANCE.
drink would make adherence to all of the other virtues easier.
Eat not to dullness...
Gluttony... overeating... hunger is a primal urge, however knowing limitations and avoiding overindulgence with this primal urge will allow you optimum control.
Drink not to elevation...
Excessive drinking leads to a "comfortably numb"feeling, until that one drink that pushes you over the limit. Alcohol distorts reality, and this counteracts the virtur of being present in every moment, experience all senses at all times.
This virtue's focus is personal responsibility, what you place in your mouth is your responsibility.
A true man is in control of himself in every situation.
"Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation."
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