The Breath of Dawn

The Breath of Dawn
He will raise you up

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Attitudes that Affect Us

I prayed distinctly for wisdom. I wanted God to show me some reasons why the men in my life have hurt me as they have. Now no one is perfect, and I have made many mistakes, and contribute to the relations to guide them and nurture them.  Perhaps those men are hurting as much if not MORE than me.

This story is about how I received the wisdom. It is Sunday and I have just restarted attending a church I attended years ago! I walk to church and it is cold and snowy out, but the sun is shining. The walk is approximately a half hour one way, and I enjoy that time to engage in prayer and meditation. I was tired this morning and as I attend alone, motivation was to stay cuddled in my warm bed. BUT I got up and went.

The wisdom was delivered to me. In looking at the bible and the influence of the men of history can show you the attitudes we posses that lead us to make mistakes. Our attitudes drive us and we are driven by fear, anger, frustration, materialism, and selfishness. Even deeper the message I received was so much more than this, Attitudes that specifically drive us to make some fatal errors are


Sense of Entitlement




Saving Face over Maintaining Integrity of your Authentic Self

All of these traits I have seen VIVIDLY in the last two years, they were probably there in these men prior to, however they surfaced when I wanted resolve and reconciliation and planning how that can happen.

These things may not have a match.

We can try and help those that need to see more clearly and change their attitude, but we cannot change them. We can enlighten them, guide them, in the end it is up to them to change, some do not want to, and that is a shame. Ironic these people feel shame and then continue to perpetuate it not even knowing what a shame it is.

My wish would be we all recognise we are good people, we make mistakes and we make poor decisions.

It is time to make the choice to be the authentic you, that glowing warm person deep in your heart. When you are it feels fabulous, and I can only pray and meditate that it brings people of the same authenticity to me.

Love one another, and pray for warmth in your enemies heart.
- Jo

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