The Breath of Dawn

The Breath of Dawn
He will raise you up

Friday, April 25, 2014

Step One to Conquering a Fear - Acknowledgement

Over the Easter weekend I challenged myself very last minute to begin the first steps in overcoming a fear of mine that has been with me for 25 years. I just did the math and I feel ashamed that I have allowed fear to rob me of independence for 25 years.

I am also ashamed to now see the people I encountered along the way did not open to kindness to support and cheer me on to conquer my fear. In fact they enabled the fear to continue. Now that is another story and detailed more in my book that I am currently writing. 

So there I am last minute heading off for a weekend of challenge and facing a 25 year old fear head on. To accomplish the end result and meet the final challenge will take some time and I am documenting it. I hope it will inspire others to look inside themselves and avoid allowing enablers and fear to stop you.

You know why I am facing this now, all the enablers are gone. With the enablers gone I was able to be my own cheerleader and support. I AM all I need. If I was always alone I know this fear never would have existed in me. Interesting how that works, and how I see that so clearly now. 

Over the course of the weekend many angel alerts came to me.  An angel alert is a sign, something so prominent, something that cannot be pinned on coincidence, something that is not luck. An angel alert is the universes divine energy announcement. 

A beacon to direct your path. Visions of desires in my heart were overflowing. The energy was magnificent. 

Not only was my weekend fear facing challenge pushing me through my fear, it was enlightening me on my journey. This fear was a huge block in my journey. I now believe it is one of the most significant detours in my life and has affected every area of my life, and I ignored it for too long. 

This energy overload pushed me to write about this fear, and so birthed a new book. Writers block had been troubling me for months. The time was now for the birth of my story, volume by volume. I was empowered and fuelled writing until my keyboard broke. 

Devil’s intervention.  A broken keyboard on a laptop! What? I couldn’t even log on to my computer. Not to worry, I will plug in my keyboard and away I go. That worked until now when I opened up my laptop again only for this plug in not to work. Well I got it working.  Someone really does not want me typing, and go figure my only writing utensils are pencils and sharpies. 

The reasons I share this are many;

1.       Do not let fear paralyze you.
2.       Do not let others enable your paralysis. Surround yourself with people that will indeed lift you higher.
3.       Be alone, you can do it all on your own.
4.       Know you will have obstacles placed in your way.
5.       Know the obstacles are temporary.
6.       Do not let anyone tell you your desires, dreams, or wishes cannot come true. 

Now go look in the mirror and face your fear head on. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Getting Started

Getting Started

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. —Mark Twain

I have procrastinated too long in writing. Where should I start? Do I write in order? What if no one likes it? What if I can’t get those words flowing? I can’t find a comfortable spot to write. Do I type or do I use pen and paper? I need to clean my office first. On and on the excuses went.

With the art of writing I became an award winning procrastinator. 

Now to divulge further let me tell you, when I asked God, my inner Spirit Guide, my greater power “what should I do?” I was facing some unrest in my soul and I knew tides were turning. I got a one word answer “WRITE”. WOW! God is asking me to write, asking me to tell my story. That is a big calling and one you do not want to fail. However fail I have because I have not been obedient to his calling due to fear. 

So today I throw that out the window and sit with my laptop upon my lap, in the living room, with a mess around me and three lazy dogs. I am not physically comfortable, but I do have a cuppa tea as my symbol of comfort (my security blanket, my wubba). 

Before I opened my document to begin typing on a blank page I randomly opened my Bible. Now I am a pen to paper type of gal so this typing thing is a challenge. I do open my Bible randomly when I sense the urge as I feel the energy guidance will direct me to read what I should read versus what I want to read. To hear what I need to hear versus what I want to hear.

 This is what the spirit gave me today... Psalm 32: 3
“When I kept silence, my bones wasted away through my groaning all the day long.”

Read on to verse 8...

I best get busy. So here I go, to infinity and beyond, I am getting started.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Happy Happy Joy Joy

I have a right to be happy. Happiness is my birthright. Even more importantly I have a right to joy. Joy is my birthright.

Joy is intense. Joy is ecstatic. Joy is exalted happiness.

I make my happiness and I make my joy. I walk in my own happiness and I walk in my own joy. 

People, places and things add to my happiness, but no one and nothing makes me happy but me. 

I urge you to look inside yourself, inside your heart, to your inner most being, and find that joy. It is there.

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.  Peter 1: 8-9

When I awake each morning I am happy. I woke up and have the start of a new day.  I make my intention each morning to be happy, it will grow to joy.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13