The Breath of Dawn

The Breath of Dawn
He will raise you up

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Getting Started

Getting Started

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. —Mark Twain

I have procrastinated too long in writing. Where should I start? Do I write in order? What if no one likes it? What if I can’t get those words flowing? I can’t find a comfortable spot to write. Do I type or do I use pen and paper? I need to clean my office first. On and on the excuses went.

With the art of writing I became an award winning procrastinator. 

Now to divulge further let me tell you, when I asked God, my inner Spirit Guide, my greater power “what should I do?” I was facing some unrest in my soul and I knew tides were turning. I got a one word answer “WRITE”. WOW! God is asking me to write, asking me to tell my story. That is a big calling and one you do not want to fail. However fail I have because I have not been obedient to his calling due to fear. 

So today I throw that out the window and sit with my laptop upon my lap, in the living room, with a mess around me and three lazy dogs. I am not physically comfortable, but I do have a cuppa tea as my symbol of comfort (my security blanket, my wubba). 

Before I opened my document to begin typing on a blank page I randomly opened my Bible. Now I am a pen to paper type of gal so this typing thing is a challenge. I do open my Bible randomly when I sense the urge as I feel the energy guidance will direct me to read what I should read versus what I want to read. To hear what I need to hear versus what I want to hear.

 This is what the spirit gave me today... Psalm 32: 3
“When I kept silence, my bones wasted away through my groaning all the day long.”

Read on to verse 8...

I best get busy. So here I go, to infinity and beyond, I am getting started.

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