I know you have been with me during this trying time. I know you are guiding my steps and molding me for my future. You removed me from the wrong path and came into my heart to renew my mind and spirit and forward me onto the path needed.
You knew me before I was born and my life is yours. I am a humble servant looking for work. Seeking the opportunity to be used for my designed purpose.
I love you Lord. You amaze me. My time here in the valley has been good, and I know you have provided for me and my faith remains that once this section of my journey expires you will provide for me two fold. That a place of employment and opportunity abound benefiting not only my family but also those in my company.
Lord I want and need your words to reassure me that all my needs will be met. I meditate daily and keep quiet to hear your voice. I long for your message.
Bless me O' Lord with anointing and divination.
By your power and the blood of Christ.
God, I place my humble needs before you: My need to meet my
responsibilities in the world. My need to use my God-given talents and
abilities. My need to fulfill my place here on earth.
I pray for
Your guidance now to show me the way to the perfect opportunity to do
what I love, to do what I can do well, and what will fulfill my needs
mentally, spiritually, and financially. Help me to walk in faith as You
show me the way!
Thank You, Lord. Amen!
- See more at: http://www.prayers-for-special-help.com/Prayers-for-Employment.html#sthash.hIRW3eOZ.dpuf
God, I place my humble needs before you: My need to meet my
responsibilities in the world. My need to use my God-given talents and
abilities. My need to fulfill my place here on earth.
I pray for
Your guidance now to show me the way to the perfect opportunity to do
what I love, to do what I can do well, and what will fulfill my needs
mentally, spiritually, and financially. Help me to walk in faith as You
show me the way!
Thank You, Lord. Amen!
- See more at: http://www.prayers-for-special-help.com/Prayers-for-Employment.html#sthash.hIRW3eOZ.dpuf
God, I place my humble needs before you: My need to meet my
responsibilities in the world. My need to use my God-given talents and
abilities. My need to fulfill my place here on earth.
I pray for
Your guidance now to show me the way to the perfect opportunity to do
what I love, to do what I can do well, and what will fulfill my needs
mentally, spiritually, and financially. Help me to walk in faith as You
show me the way!
Thank You, Lord. Amen!
- See more at: http://www.prayers-for-special-help.com/Prayers-for-Employment.html#sthash.hIRW3eOZ.dpuf
God, I place my humble needs before you: My need to meet my
responsibilities in the world. My need to use my God-given talents and
abilities. My need to fulfill my place here on earth.
I pray for
Your guidance now to show me the way to the perfect opportunity to do
what I love, to do what I can do well, and what will fulfill my needs
mentally, spiritually, and financially. Help me to walk in faith as You
show me the way!
Thank You, Lord. Amen!
- See more at: http://www.prayers-for-special-help.com/Prayers-for-Employment.html#sthash.hIRW3eOZ.dpuf