The Breath of Dawn

The Breath of Dawn
He will raise you up

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My take on Esther 1 - Day One the Esther Challenge

Esther 1
Amongst the celebrations and feasting an unusual request came from the King. He wished his Queen to leave as host of her female only party and attend his male centered feast to show case herself to them all.

Why is it unusual that a King wish to show off the beauty of his Queen?  According to Persian customs, his Queen would have been more secluded from the public than any other wives. His Queen was his treasure, for his eyes only. At that moment he had elected to be prideful and show off her beauty to the other men.  He was under the influence of alcohol, however that is no excuse for his undignified conduct. 
The Queen refused to entertain his idea maintaining her obedience to culture, custom, and God. She was maintaining honour. In effect she was saving face for her family by being disobedient to her husband.
The King was offended by this. Rather than seeing his own misdemeanour he became enraged with anger at the Queen. Upon consult with his counsel; He divorced her and proclaimed that all wives will give honour to their husbands. 

The effects of alcohol, pride and lack of foresight caused this reaction. It is up to the individual to determine who was right and who was wrong. The King for his request, or the Queen for her disobedience to the King? 

I think the Queen took on the correct approach knowing what was right for her and her God. With obedience to God first you can never go wrong.

Share your thoughts with me in the comments section. 

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