The Breath of Dawn

The Breath of Dawn
He will raise you up

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I believe we all are looking for acceptance. We want to be wanted, liked, needed and loved. Sometimes this need is so strong we sacrifice ourselves to be accepted. We will sacrifice our morales, change our behaviour, even change how we dress, our likes and dislikes just to "fit in".

Wouldn't it be easier to just be ourselves. Those that don't like us, how we look, what we say or what we do, can go find those that they do approve of, and we only surround ourselves with people that genuinely accept us for our genuine self. I think it is so much work to not know who you are and pretend to be something you are not then just stand on your own 2 feet and enjoy.

Now, being genuine has it's consequences. You will have fewer friends and it is harder to find those like you as you are unique. However when you sleep at night there is no guilt and no shame.

This brings us to a new challenge, accept those around you for who they are. Give love and unconditional acceptance to those you encounter, and notice what happens. You live a genuine life. It's quite simple - right?

Acceptance is viewing others with your heart not your eyes.

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