They say laughter improves your mood, state of mind, and your health. Laughter is also a universal code. Laughter is a response to cues and codes in all languages. Everyone is capable of laughing, and we all find different topics, events, incidents funny and capable of bringing out our inner "hee hee" "ha ha" and "lol".
It has been recorded that laughter is primarily a social vocalization that binds people together. We usually find ourselves laughing in response to a cue and not really know why we are laughing, it is innate, unconscious response.
Studies of laughter, and this makes perfect sense, laughter is a response to a person, not necessarily a joke. Most often the speaker is laughing not the audience, and most often laughter is a response to routine daily statements not jokes or stand up comedians. So the study summarized the critical stimulus for laughter is another person, not a joke.
Can you laugh on command, most notably no. If asked to laugh, you usually can't, and asked what you laugh at the typical response is "funny things" or "jokes", however I have noticed I have been laughing through out the day at daily common events. Making light of the day to day activites, or just freely laughing due to my unconcisous mind and postive vibe from those around me, in turn creates more laughter.
Last night I was speaking with someone close to me, as they spoke I had a large chesire cat grin, and the laughter poured out of me because they brought me internal happiness. The laughter and giggles whelled up in my chest and spilled out of me releasing the pure pleasure. I haven't felt that good in a long time.
Thank you my friend.
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