When you share your thoughts and feelings with those around you, you place yourself at risk. The thoughts and feelings are a part of you, and the reaction of the other person can easily build you up or let you down. You open up and respect there is an aspect of trust between the two of you. You also would then expect the other person to open up to you equally.
Each of us is unique, and with that comes unique feelings and opinions.
I love honesty. I love being open to all, and I did at one point expect others to be equally as open. I was wrong, young, and naive to think this, however when you treat others how you wish to be treated the logic followed suit. Unfortunately those I loved did not.
Sharing who I am, how I feel, my wants and needs is something I have to do. I understand I could be hurt by exposing myself. But if I don't share these things, I feel like there is a circus in town around me. It gets surreal, detached and disruptive.
Society has placed a fine line of sharing ones feelings. I wish people were not perceived as weak for doing so. It's also sad to know others will take advanatage of the exposure, and ultimately make a victim out of the honest soul.
I was hoping as I aged the day to make bold statements ... " this is how I feel...." "this is what I want...." would be met with equally engaging statements.
Stonewalls hurt.
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